Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Certainly Needed Now

I may be accused of being a one-trick pony because my last two Special Blogs have been devoted to CNN, its history, and its mission.but if I am, then, may I say, so be it..

Today, October 24,2018, one week before Halloween, traditionally a day when we face our fears and embrace the monsters of legend, the horror was all too real as a pipe bomb was delivered to CNN's New York bureau at the Time Warner Center in a package addressed to anchor John Berman. Around 10 AM ET, the CNN bureau was evacuated, while anchors Kate Bolduan and Jim Sciutto were delivering their newscast live on the air. This attack was linked to a series which also involved liberal-leaning billionaire George Soros, former Presidents Clinton and Obama, and New York State Governor Cuomo.

Clearly, this is an attack on everything that exemplifies New York in particular and America in general, democratic (with a small d) government that answers the needs of all the people, and a free and unbiased press. I haven't addressed FOX News by name, but I feel compelled to, because FOX has stoked the flames of fear and abused its power as a (supposed) journalistic organ. Not too many people remember this, but when FOX positioned itself as "The Network America Trusts For Fair and Balanced News," it meant as opposed to CNN, which it felt, along with the major broadcast networks and PBS, had a liberal bias, and that its tagline, "We Report, You Decide," implied that the "left-stream media" shoved their idea of news down America's unsuspecting throat and this was the alternative it was looking for. As I've said in the past, CNN was derisively known as "Chicken Noodle News" when it was the new kid on the block. The tactics used by this terrorist or group of terrorists mirror too closely the attempts of such as Hitler, Stalin, and Castro to manipulate popular opinion and convince their unsuspecting subjects that they are the true leaders of the country and any attempt to convince them otherwise should either be ignored or eliminated. If those madmen think they could silence CNN in this manner, they are sorely mistaken. More than a network, CNN is a voice that's Certainly Needed Now, when the country is divided as never before, our allies feel abandoned, and the world cries out for an honest news voice which, unlike FOX, does not subscribe to the politics of hate. Please write the simpleton who claims to be our President and tell him to stop merely talking about Making America Safe Again and getting off his posterior and actually DOING something about it, especially when it comes to making sure ALL voices are heard.

Thank you for hearing MY voice.